Perfectly You by Robin Daniels Ivy Nixon is the student body Vice President at Franklin High School. Each year, the school holds a date auction to raise funds for the senior class graduation party, and this year, Ivy’s in charge. Planning the event is a huge task and Ivy is determined to prove she can get the job done right. Unfortunately, she’s still one participant short and her deadline is looming. Andy Walker, her cute but socially reclusive art class table mate, is her last resort. He may not be popular, but he’s funny, talented, and full of surprises. With a makeover and some major social marketing, Ivy is sure he could fetch a decent price at the auction. Andy reluctantly agrees to help, but the more time Ivy spends with him, the more her feelings shift from professional to romantic in nature. To top it off, she’s done her marketing so well, that other girls are starting to notice Andy too. Come auction time, will Ivy be able to let him go to the highest bidder? Or will she find a way to keep him for herself… Content Description: This is a stand-alone YA contemporary romance with companion novels set at the same high school. It contains minor language, innuendo, and crude humor, some steamy kissing, a party scene where underage drinking is taking place, and a brief but tasteful conversation about sex. The author has attempted to write characters who make good choices in questionable situations, in effort to keep the content appropriate for teens. This book contains no sex, written or implied, and no explicit language. Recommended for ages 14 and up.
EXCERPT #1 I nodded my head. "I know, you're right. But I still have a problem in that I need another volunteer for the auction, regardless of Rob being on my case about it." Andy laid his charcoal on the table. "Ok, so let's solve your problem. There are about a dozen guys in here. Surely one of them would be an acceptable and willing volunteer?" I surveyed the room and gave Andy the play-by-play of my thoughts. "Let's see now. Curtis is so tall and gangly that his pants always look like they're waiting for a flood. Scott's a good artist, but in our limited interactions, I've drawn the conclusion that he has more bong residue in his head than brains. While cute, I'm pretty sure both Todd and Tim are gay, so the pool of seniors willing to bid on them would be exceptionally small. "And then, of course, there's Mason. Good old Mason, who just last week, I saw pick his nose and wipe the booger on the underside of his table." I scrunched up my nose in disgust. "Eeeew, no." I finished scanning the male occupants and was more discouraged than when I started. I gave Andy my best pouty face. He laughed heartily, something I rarely heard from him. "I agree, Mason does not make the cut."
Author Robin Daniels Robin Daniels is a wife, mother of five and avid consumer of books. She loves reading SO much that she was actually grounded from it as a twelve year old. No Joking! Her mom caught her reading when she was supposed to be cleaning, which was a common occurrence. At that point mom took the books and instructed her to go watch TV or play outside like a normal kid. Robin is a sucker for home design shows and magazines, watches way too much Netflix and has a very codependent relationship with with a certain diet soda who’s brand shall not be named. (Though anyone with a similar problem could probably guess which one.)
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