Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Review, Author Interview & Giveaway- Crystal Kingdom by Amanda Hocking

I could barely contain my excitement when I found out that I would be reviewing Crystal Kingdom not to mention having Amanda Hocking answer some questions that I have been dying to ask. 

The Trylle and Kanin series are my favourite YA series EVER so I hope you enjoy my review and author interview.

Title- Crystal Kingdom
Author- Amanda Hocking
Genre- YA
Release Date- 4th of August 2015
Publisher- PanMacmillan Australia

Cast out by her kingdom and far from home, she's the Kanin people's only hope.

Bryn Aven - unjustly charged with murder and treason - is on the run. The one person who can help is her greatest enemy, the enigmatic Konstantin Black. Konstantin is her only ally against those who have taken over her kingdom and threaten to destroy everything she holds dear. But can she trust him?

As Bryn fights to clear her name, the Kanin rulers’ darkest secrets are coming to light… and now the entire troll world is on the brink of war. Will it tear Bryn from Ridley Dresden, the only guy she’s ever loved? And can she join forces with Finn Holmes and the Trylle kingdom? One thing is certain: an epic battle is underway—and when it’s complete, nothing will ever be the same…


5 Sassy Books!

First I must say how devastated I am that this series is over. 

Secondly, this troll world is my most favourite world to run away to. It has been one that has captured me and stretched my imagination in the best way possible.

We re-enter the world of Bryn right where we left off in Ice Kissed. Bryn is on the run and has just been found by Konstantin Black who has been tracking her for quite some time. Is he here to help or sabotage her? You will have to find out.

We follow Bryn on an exciting and touching adventure to clear her name and save her people that are living in turmoil. We discover different tribes, uncover deception at it's worst and watch as Bryn learns that she will do anything for the people she loves. 

Amanda Hocking has this phenomenal ability to capture her readers with her 'out of this world' creativity and addictive story lines. She makes you feel invested in the story and connected to the characters, but most importantly she makes you feel. And hit me right in the feels she did. I felt excited and nervous, shocked and anxious, sad and angry. Every emotion possible I felt. Crystal Kingdom is one of those books that makes you gasp, smile, laugh, tear up and yell "WHAT!?", "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?", "WTF!?!". I did all of those plus more. Amanda drawers reactions out of her readers making them feel like they are a part of her stories and I feel like this series will stay with me for some time to come.

Author Interview

First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. Especially when you could be using this time to create more characters and stories full of awesomeness!

What drew you to write fantasy and how did your stories start?

I think I first fell in love with fantasy when I was a kid. I grew up watching the worlds of Jim Henson and Star Wars, and I think I’ve always been drawn to that kind of magic. I started writing when I was very young, and I began with a lot of unicorns and dragons, but I ditched them for more “serious” fiction in my teens. But now I’m back with what I’ve always really loved.

The creatures you write about aren’t the typical ‘what everyone expects them to be’ creatures, which I love, and they are so well created and thought out. Not to mention so unique in so many different ways. Was it difficult to bring them to life?

The most difficult thing for me was trying to make creatures that are supposed to ill-tempered and rude likable. I wanted to stay true to the mythos without turning off readers. It was a fine line to walk.

Have you always been drawn to fantasy creatures/worlds?

Yes, I have. I’ve always loved the idea of knights slaying their enemies with magic and maybe the help of dragons or other paranormal creatures. Mythology has always fascinated me, too.

 What is the one thing you hope your readers take away from your stories?

One thing that I really wanted to do with Bryn is make her the knight in shining armour of her own story. She still finds love, but she is able to retain her independence and strength. You don’t need to be a damsel in distress to fall in love.

What was the hardest part about writing your book?

Going through with it. I had an outline, I knew exactly how I wanted the book to end, but deciding to stick with it and see some of the characters die was tough to follow through with. Ultimately, I’m happy that I did, and I hope readers feel the same way.

Who is your favourite Author & what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Kurt Vonnegut. The thing I love the most about his work is that he takes profund, scary things, like death and the meaning of it all, and he makes it understandable and funny and not so scary. He saw the worst that life had to offer during WWII, and he stills thinks that the world is a good place and that life is worth living, and that we should all just be kind to one another.

When it comes to your writing schedule, do you write when you feel the need or set aside specific times?

I set specific times. I used to be a night writer, but now I’m married and have a stepson, so it’s more important that I sleep at regular hours. I usually start writing about ten in the morning and work until around five or six in the evening. I try to keep my weekends free from work, unless I’m behind on a deadline.

Did you ever expect to become the great success that you are?

No. I always knew I wanted to be a writer, so the expectation that I would be published someday was always there. But I don’t think I ever really believed that I would be as successful as I have been. It’s still hard for me believe, sometimes.

Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?

Keep writing, and keep reading. Writing gets easier the more you read. Finish what you start – at least one thing just to prove that you can. And once you finish something, move onto the next thing. Don’t get married to your first book, because you’ll have lots more.

 Will we get to read about the other troll tribes in the future?

Possibly. At the moment, I don’t have any immediate plans to be. The world of the Trylle and the Kanin is so huge though, it is something I could see myself returning to in the future.

Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers and fans?

Thank you so much for being so awesome and supportive. Without you guys, I’d just be a crazy person sitting by myself with lots of imaginary friends.

Now some stalker questions

 Loki, Finn or Ridley?


 If you were part of any troll tribe, while one would it be? Trylle, Skojare, Vittra or Kanin? Trylle for me!

I think the Trylle for myself. The Skojare palace is my favourite, though.

 Summer or Winter?


 Favourite smell?


 Favourite colour?


What’s one thing readers would be surprised to learn about you?

That I’m almost 31. I look young in photos, so people always think I’m much younger than I am.

What Scares you the most and why?

Monsters under the bed. When I get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, I still have this irrational fear that something will reach out and grab my ankle and pull me under the bed.

Thanks again for answering my questions. It is a very exciting opportunity for me as I am a HUMONGOUS fan!

Thank you for having me :)


Enter to win a paperback copy of Crystal Kingdom. Open Internationally so long as The Book Depository sends to your country.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. fabulous!! thank you so much for this giveaway!!! thank you a lot for the interview as well

    a fantasy creature hum that's hard i think i would like to be shifter ( not linked to only one animal though) or an elf to be able to understand animals and plants to be abme to heal them

  2. I would be pegasus . Beauty and wings ! Ive always loved them ! Unicorn with speed and pure :D thanks for the great giveaway :D Love the sounds of this !!

  3. Can I be a witch/wizard? Although I wouldn't really call them 'creatures'. I guess I want to be a shifter, but not a werewolf but a more...feline animal: cats, tiger etc.

  4. I think I would want to be selkie. Maybe it is just because I read a really wonderful short story about one once, and since then I have always wondered what a whole book would be like with them. Still, I think it would be cool to be one :)

  5. Hmm, a fantasy creature. That´s hard to say.
    I do like water and even as a child I loved the story of Ariel, so I guess a mermaid wouldn´t be so bad.

  6. Replies
    1. BECAUSE would love to be able to shift into a wolf and run with my pack.

  7. A Unicorn because I think they are so pretty

  8. I would be a centaur because they are strong and fast .

  9. A unicorn (child of the 80s here!) because they are so majestic.

  10. Wolf - I think they are beautiful animals.

  11. Wolf,I love the loyalty,strength :)

  12. The winner has been drawn! Congratulations to Katrina!!! The paperback is all yours. Thank you to all who entered. I hope you enjoyed the review and interview. Thanks for your support :)


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