Hey Book Lovers,
We are the next stop in The Keepers Blog Tour. Author Monique
O'Conner James has a special post for us today, so enjoy!
Paranormal Connection
I never made a decision to write paranormal fiction. The genre picked me long before I had any idea I’d someday write novels. I first started writing at age eight or nine, when my mom bought me a journal as a present. Of course, at that age my ramblings were all about best friends and birthday parties. The content was very girly – all rainbows and butterflies.
However, by the time I reached high school, I started writing poetry and most of it was dark and filled with teenage angst. A friend of mine told me years later that she’d turned in one of my poems as completion of a homework assignment. She made an “A” on the poem, but the guidance counselor called her parents to discuss the dark subject matter of the poetry.
I have to laugh when I think of that now, because I was obsessed with Anne Rice and her vampires and witches. This was the days before vampires could be found on every bookshelf and in every movie, and not everyone got the fascination.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where I was never belittled for anything I wrote. I know there were times that my parents must have cringed at some of the ideas that were created in my young mind, but they were always supportive and allowed my imagination to flourish.
I knew when I sat down to write my first novel there would be lots of paranormal subject matter in my stories. Angels, vampires, demons, psychics, etc., have always captured my creative side and it’s a blast to see how far you can push the envelope and still have a believable tale.
What are some of your favorite paranormal characters? Have you always been interested in this genre?
I hope you enjoy The Keepers and all my upcoming tales of fantasy
Monique O’Connor James
Thank you Monique, it was a pleasure having you on our blog today.
If you haven't read it then your missing out on an amazing book.
Here's my REVIEW
BUY LINKS: Astraea Press OR Signed copies
You can find Monique in these few places.. FACEBOOK , BLOG , FACEBOOK (personal) OR GOODREADS

Author Bio
On her eighth birthday, her mother bought her a journal and said "write whatever you want, just write". And so, a love affair with words was born. She wrote poetry and short stories in high school and college, until 1993 when her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
After her mother's death in 1998, deep in depression, she found herself unable to write. Nine years passed, and only on rare occasion did she attempt to write.Finally, in 2007, under the urging of friends, she sat down and pecked out her first novel. It was raw and unpolished, but the process had been unquestionably cathartic. The next three years were spent filling her hard drive with seven complete manuscripts.
At the beginning of 2011, Monique decided it was time to edit the work and share it with the world. She hopes you enjoy the ramblings of a truly southern girl raised in a state rich with heritage and love.
The next stop on the tour is over at Hands And Home
Giveaway time...Just leave a comment with your email addy and your entered to win an e-copy of The Keepers, closes 15th September.
This is a book you don't want to miss out on..Good Luck to you all.
Just a quick note! You can get The Keepers right now for $2.99 at www.astraeapress.com
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that your parents were understanding and didn't try to stop you and your creativity! Can't wait to see what their understanding has produced!!
I'm glad I came across this blog. I hadn't heard of this book before! The cover caught my eye and I had to check it out. :o)
ReplyDeletee-mail: whatsbeyondforks(@)gmail(dot)com
Great post!
Thanx, it looks like a great book.
Looks like a great book... thanks for the giveaway!
thanks for a chance to win this awesome book.