Hey Book Lovers,
We have a special treat today. I had the pleasure of Interviewing author Christine E. Schulze for the Golden Healer, Dark Enchantress blog tour. So get comfy and enjoy!
What or who inspired you to become a writer?
As a very little kid, I used to watch painting shows with my grandma; then, I thought I wanted to be an artist. Thank God that changed, because I really can't paint all that well.
However, I did turn my artistic flare elsewhere. I dunno, I guess it was always in me, like a gift and a purpose from God all wrapped into one. My first books were when I was quite young and contained only pictures. Then, around the age of five, I was asked to write a story for a wedding present for a family friend. "Jonny to the Rescue" was born, and I've been going ever since.
Who is your favourite Author & what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Favorite authors include masters like Diana Wynne Jones, Neil Gaiman, and J.K. Rowling. Yup, apparently I am a Bristish buff. I love the uniqueness, or, as some would say, the quirkiness of their worlds and yet, their worlds seem so real at the same time. Not to mention their masterful story-telling.
What was the hardest part about writing your book?
Hm. I wrote it when I was eighteen, so that's...five years ago by now. I don't recall any major challenges to be honest. A lot of times, the stories just come to me, and if I am not in the mood to write a certain thing, I just set it aside, work on something else, and come back to the first thing later though.
Editing, now, THAT was the true challenge. But also a brilliant learning experience.
What was the most surprising things your learned in writing your book?
The book, while definitely full of fantasy, adventure, and romance, also contains an important lesson about forgiveness and acceptance. Sometimes, I think I forget that lesson, so it's good to go back, read the book, and re-learn my own standards and expectations for myself.
Do you ever experience writers block?
Not often, but when I do, I usually just set aside the project to come back to it later. On occasion, if I need ideas fast, I'll talk to friends. I have a couple close comrades that are excellent at spawning ideas in the most crucial moments.
How did you come up with the title?
Well, I guess it just fits, for one. :) For another, it's part of a four-book series, and each title is similar, naming some of the people the story is about, usually those who are affected by some sort of dark spell:
Golden Healer, Dark Enchantress
Memory Charmer
Wind Whisperer, Truth Gazer,
Wish Granter
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love video games (esp. Zelda), drawing, composing music, playing piano, singing (esp. in choirs), and spending time with my most wuvvable Snugglemuffin, Jonny. ^_^
Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
Oh, yes, my characters, if nothing else, almost always reflect me and others around me. I wrote this story when I was dealing with my own abuse and needing faith and God's love to pull me through. Aaryn is based upon a young man whom I loved for seven years plus; the love was unrequited, but we are still good friends. And even Lund was inspired by a savvy English teacher I had my first year of college.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As I said above, first an artist, and then, that being an obvious fail, an author.
What project are you working on now?
Mostly, I am trying to get notice for my currently-published works. However, I have become a chapter writer for chainbooks, an awesome site all writers should check out once it launches at the end of September. I am also writing short stories and such in my spare time, while seeking reviewers for my books. If anyone reading this is interested in receiving a free ebook in exchange for a review, please feel free to contact me at ChristineESchulze@gmail.com
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Never give up, and always keep learning! I improve and learn with each new book and story I write. Don't be stubborn; advice is good and usually improves the whole story, especially that from your editors. Don't conform either though; if you have a unique voice, go with that and just strive to make it the best it can be. And again, never give up! It's a hard, long road, but you must keep climbing or you will never reach the top.
Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers and fans?
Thanks to all of you! You are what fuels my passion; please keep reading, and help me share my stories with the world!
Light or Dark chocolate?
Coconut. I am allergic to milk and sugar, but there's this brilliant new chocolate ice cream out made with coconut and agave syrup.
Tea or Coffee?
Tea. But only if it's green.
Dogs or Cats?
Both, but the latter make me sneeze.
Favourite Colour?
Green. Sage green, if you want specifics.
George Clooney or Hugh Jackman?
Um...no. I like Elijah Wood, thanks.
Favourite Disney movie?
TANGLED! I am SO Rapunzel, from many of her character traits down to her life story and green eyes and freckled nose. And, my Jonny is my Eugene. :)
Thank you so much for answering my questions and for joining us today.
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Author Bio

Christine has published several stories with Calliope and Kalkion magazines and is an active member of the WEbook online writing community. She has also published several Christian/fantasy books which are available at various online retailers, as well as publishing several eBooks via Writers-Exchange.
Her latest and most exciting venture includes her publications with Old Line Publishing: Bloodmaiden and Tears of a Vampire Prince: the First Krystine. She also anticipates her upcoming publication with Old Line, Lily in the Snow, as well as releasing The Chronicles of the Mira with Writers-Exchange in both paperback and electronic forms.
Christine currently lives in Belleville, Illinois in her first and most thrilling apartment.
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The next blog stop on the tour is over at Book Sake
good interview
ReplyDeletelove to win the book =D
Very interested. Thank you! Gloria
ReplyDeletegeschumann at live dot com
What a pretty blog. new follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog. I really like the lighting and the color purple.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to read the book! That was a great interview!
What a great interview. Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeletereneebennett35 at yahoo dot com
I've heard a lot of great things about this book,thank you! edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this. I love books in a series. Thanks for the great interview!
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Great interview!!