What happens when the right person shows up at the wrong time?
Debra Elise

Series: The Outlaws of Baseball Book 5
Genre: Contemporary, Sports Romance
Publisher: HEA Productions, LLC
Publication Date: April 17, 2018
Opposites attract, but do they last?
Former all-star player, Blake Anderson manages the Idaho Outlaws. He has one goal--win the league championship by the time he's forty. A wife and kids? He can wait. He's lived his life under the motto, 'one night is enough'. Then the woman who he's been lusting after from afar is available and one kiss is not going to be enough.
What happens when the right person shows up at the wrong time?
Caris Sloane needs to have a baby-now. Her well laid plans of career, marriage, and baby become flipped. Her ex, who she thought was finally Mr. Right turned into Mr. Wrong--six months ago. A lab failure destroys her frozen eggs--six days ago. She crashes a bachelor party and kisses Blake--six hours ago. Definitely wrong time. She needs a vacation and a new plan.
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Wolf whistles and cat calls filled the room. Caris began to laugh and lost herself in the moment. She’d never crashed any party, let alone a bachelor party. She scanned the pub to make sure there weren’t any strippers hiding among the packed room of the best-looking group of men she’d ever seen in person. But it was the man standing in the entryway who captured her immediate attention.
The manager of the Outlaws, Blake Anderson, was looking her up and down. His ocean-blue gaze captured hers. He’d caught her looking, which she didn’t have a problem with. Any woman she knew who enjoyed a finely sculpted man would have done the same thing. She appreciated his wide shoulders and long legs encased in jeans that fit him in all the right places. His dark hair brushed the collar of his white button-down shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, exposing his sun-kissed skin and muscled forearms.
She was a sucker for a man with well-defined shoulders and arms. And a muscled back. But she had no way of knowing if his back matched his front; she could only guess and dream. Because the dream she had of him the last time she saw him came rushing back and warmed her cheeks. They may have never spoken more than polite hellos, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t thought about him a time or two. Well, maybe more than that, but it was a fantasy she’d never thought would happen. She never thought their paths would cross again. Tonight, it had. He was looking at her similar to how he did in her dreams.
But she didn’t appreciate the knowing grin on his face. She gave herself a shake and broke eye contact. She was not here to hook up. Not with Blake or anyone else Lara had plans to put in her path. She had enough drama going on in her life, thank you very much. She just wanted to have another drink and have a good time with her friends. And maybe window shop the group of well put together baseball players who dominated the room.
Maverick and Kelsey had ended their epic kiss, and she was helping him remove the cornucopia of bras he’d acquired. She found Noel at a table sipping a drink while Lara and Luke seemed to be in deep discussion. Their wedding was next month, but at the moment neither one was putting off the vibes Kelsey and Mav were transmitting. Caris walked over to the table and sat down.
“So, what’s everyone drinking?”
Noel waved her off and mouthed, ‘not good’. Caris looked back at the arguing couple and cringed. Dammit. She hated seeing people she cared about argue. It brought back too many memories of her own parents and the constant turmoil they seemed to thrive on.
A glass of wine appeared in front of her on the table. It was attached to the arm she had just been ogling moments ago. Without asking, Blake pulled out a chair, sat and ignored her.
Other Books by Debra Elise
A baseball team full of bad boys find the women who give them what they never thought they wanted; a happily ever after.
About Debra Elise

Debra Elise lives with her husband and their two sons in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. She is an Autism advocate, stay-at-home-mom, full time writer, and is always on the lookout for inspiration in all its forms. The final book in the Outlaws of Baseball series, CHASING NOEL, will release in 2018. She is also writing in the paranormal romance genre. Stay tuned for more book info on this project.
Sharing what motivates her is a life passion (a close second to writing romance of course). A self-proclaimed extroverted introvert, when not writing or procrastinating, she enjoys hanging out with other author-type individuals and teasing her three 'boys' into displaying their killer smiles. Visit Debra at http://www.debraelise.com
Official Website: http://www.debraelise.com
Debra Elise's FB Reader & Review Group: http://bit.ly/2z5lp4A
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