Charmed Vengeance
(The Aether Chronicles, #2)
By Suzanne Lazear
In the Faerie realm, Noli Braddock's relationship with her best friend V has grown into something more. But V's mother, Faerie Queen Tiana, has ruled that they are forbidden to see each other. Returning to the mortal realm, Noli joins the crew of her brother's air-pirate ship, the Vixen's Revenge. There she discovers that her brother has hired the scallywag Faerie huntsman, Kevighn Silver. While serving as shipmates, Kevighn and Noli learn that the Earth Court King plans to find a forbidden artifact--one that will bring destruction to everyone Noli loves.

Top Ten List - Things you would change about your high school years if you could go back in time.
- Don’t let the jackwagons get you down – I let people tell me I’d never be a writer/never go to the college I wanted/I shouldn’t do this or that. (Like my high school guidance counselor. Well, guess what. I wrote a book and got a master’s from Pepperdine, so nah nah na na na)
- Know when to listen to your parents and when to stand up for what you believe in. I made a lot of choices I really regret because I was trying to please my parents where I should have sat them down and talked it out, trying to come up with a compromise.
- When the going gets tough, don’t get mean.
- Yes, you do have friends. Be a friend, too.
- Don’t be afraid to go for something you want, even if you think other people will look down on you for it.
- Go for it. I missed out on several amazing opportunities because of other things I was involved in, things that ended up not working out or mattering nearly as much as I thought it would in the long run.
- Report the teacher who was mean and manipulative, instead of dealing with the nightmares nearly 20 years later.
- Play a sport. Or at least try out.
- Take German, not Spanish. I took Spanish because it was practical, then studied abroad in several German-speaking countries.
- Be nicer to your little brother.
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