Author: Tina Carreiro
Released: 4th May 2011
Published by: Firefly & Wisp Publishing
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy
Blurb: When Miakoda Starr tries to help a homeless man whose aura has him marked for death, she throws herself in the middle of an unknown world and is in more trouble than she knows. Soon she meets Detective Cole Barnett. A man that shatters her world in more ways than one, and shows her a life of fear as well as desire.
My Review: Power of the moon is for adult readers (sorry younglings) that being said...
O.M.G what a story! From the first page Tina had me hook, line and sinker I just didn't want to put this baby down. What a ride this story takes you on, let me tell ya it's a ride i'll be taking again and again. *winks* If you want your book full of wild, hot, gotta have you now, can't live without you passion, and the thrill of an awesome adventure with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat, a book that'll have you clinging on every word till the very end then this book is for you.
Miakoda Starr or as she likes being called just plain Mia (M-y-a) can see and speak to the dead, she also has dreams about what's to come and what is happening at that moment. She doesn't like anyone knowing about her powers. Mia had a run in with a scary man glowing eyes and that's how she meets Cole Burnett a gorgeous hunk of a detective who has a huge secret. The passion between them is so strong it'll curl your toes, two words - "Elevator Scene" it had me in a puddle on the floor *fans face* phew it's getting hot in here again. *winks* Will Mia's fear tear them apart? Or will passion conquer all?
I recommend this book to all adult paranormal romance readers, go get your fangs wet! *winks*
Here's my interview with the gorgeous Tina Carreiro...

1.What or who inspired you to become a writer?
I have always been drawn to writing since I was a little girl. I didn’t have a happy-go-lucky childhood and my mother worked her ass off to put food on the table for my brother and I. She was miserable but, one thing always made her happy – romance novels. The women in my family would pass them around, initial the top of the front page when they were through and then donate the books to a used store when everyone had finished. All the issues of life and the stress of the day faded from my mom’s face when she was reading. I thought, “Wow – what’s in those books.” Now I know, and if Icould do that, make others happy by writing than that’s what I want to do. What a powerful gift to have and share. As to who gave me the final kick in the pants and gave me enough courage to follow through with my dream, that would be my husband – the love of my life.
2. How did you come up with the Title?
The title is in direct relation to one of the main characters, Miakoda Starr, which in Native American, means-Power of the moon.
3.What was the hardest part about writing your book?
Handsdown: editing. When I finished the book I cried, then stared at it for two days. I knew the word count was too big and needed to be chopped. Deciding what goes was very hard for me because I didn’t want anything to go. In the end, the flow was better and the story line tighter so although it hurt to cut things out – it’s all good.
4.What was the most surprising thing you learned in writing your book?
That I was good at it and how natural it felt. Once I compiled years of my post-it notes and scraps of paper detailing the story, something change inside me. It was a like a fire had been lit and in two months, Power of the Moon was written.
5.How did you come up with the main characters in your book Cole and Mia?
Hm, Cole … he’s just yummy. Cole was born in my head many …many years ago. I was riding with my husband one night, which looks super hot with a badge, and he pulled over a car in an alleyway in a bad area of town. At that moment, I felt fear. He stepped out of the car and I started looking around the area. People were walking out on the sidewalks, hanging off the balconies above us – he was surrounded. I thought jokingly to calm myself, “If he was a vampire all these people would be dead if they tried anything and he would be safe.” After that one thought the entire story just clicked into place. As he was dealing with the “bad guy,” I grabbed paper, receipts whatever I could find out of my purse and started writing notes.
Mia has been tucked away inside me for a very long time. In a way, she’s an extension of me. Except, I’m not as bad ass as she is. There is much, much more to come for Mia and Cole.
6.Who is your favourtie Author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Hmm, this is a tough one because I respectand appreciate everyone’s creativity. I’m just now catching up on my reading because I block everything out when I’m writing. One of my favorite authors is Kresley Cole. I love her voice and style and the way she smacks two powerful forces together. Love should be just that –powerful.
7.As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
LOL … I wanted to be a detective or a forensic scientist.
8. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Don’t give up! Surround yourself with positive people. When you get a rejection remember, it’s nothing personal.
9.Is there anything you'd like to say to your readers?
Thank you! I’m thrilled that everyone is enjoying the ride along with me. I’m very touched by all the support, emails and love that I’ve received for, Power of the Moon. As long as you’re reading, I’ll be writing. Book two, Covet the Moon will have your heart pumping!
10.Random question - What's your favourite disney movie?
This is another tough one! I love Disney movies, even the Pixar shorts. This is hard,so, I’ll pick my top three: Toy Story, Up and Cars (love the Hudson Hornet).
Have we peaked your interest?
Then here's a little taste of Power Of The Moon the first Chapter