Friday, June 30, 2017

50 Hours by Loree Lough PLUS Giveaway!

From Bestselling and Award Winning Author
Loree Lough
Based on a Screenplay by Kevin James O'Neill
"This is the kind of book that wins Pulitzer Prizes."
- Catherine Lanigan, Author of Romancing the Stone
50 Hours
Loree Lough
Genre:†General Fiction
Publisher: Progressive Rising Phoenix Press
Publication Date: June 30, 2017
A broken man, a dying woman, and a friendship that changes them both.
Franco Allessi is a broken, lonely man who wants nothing more than to outrun the ghosts of his past. For years, he tries to numb the pain of his wife's death with cheap beer and whiskey. When he's convicted of drunk driving, the judge revokes his license for six months and orders him to serve fifty hours of community service. Franco chooses Savannah Falls Hospice for no reason other than it's walking distance from his dilapidated house trailer.
On his first day on the job, he meets Aubrey Brewer, a woman whose time on earth is quickly ticking to a stop. Their unusual connection teaches powerful, life-changing lessons about friendship, acceptance, and the importance of appreciating that precious treasure called Life.
Loree Lough is an exceptional author, and that's why I approached her about writing the novel for my Feature film, 50 Hours. But I had no idea how wonderful her novelization would be until I read it. Loree was able to dig so deep into my characters. She unearthed and richly developed the filmís skeletal characters and give them three dimensional lives. I am so happy with the book!
- Kevin OíNeill, writer/director/actor/producer

Praise for 50 Hours by Loree Lough

50 Hours is a moving story about love, loss, friendship, and last chances. Itís a reminder that our lives are precious stories, no matter how long or short. This is a must-read for all of us who have been touched by cancer ñ victims, caregivers, family, and friends. This poignant and touching tale will inspire hope in the midst of even the darkest hours.
- Cerella Sechrist, author of the popular Findlay Roads series from Harlequin
50 Hours 3D
You'll laugh, you'll cry... 50 Hours is an unforgettable tale of healing, redemption, and the cost of true love. With a delicate pen, author Loree Lough writes an honest and poignant view of what cancer patients face with commendable bravery. A must-read for readers of every kind!
- Rachel Muller, author of bestselling World War II series, Love & War, and the newly released, Phillip's War
Loree Lough took a difficult subject and turned it into a compelling read with light humor to soften the inevitable sadness that comes with a depressing disease.
- Emma Gingerich ñ author of Runaway Amish Girl; the Great Escape
50 Hours is a book you wonít be able to put down, and its messages of love and compassion will linger with you long after youíve turned the last page.
- Kate James, award-winning author of Sanctuary Cove, Silver Linings, and The Truth About Hope
The novel is a reminder that life is indeed short, but always worth living. And almost alwaysÖ one life will touch many others. Great job Loree!
- Robin Bayne, author of Reunion At Crane Lake.
Emerson said, "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded." Aubrey and Franco succeeded. Believe me when I say, THIS IS THE KIND OF BOOK THAT WINS PULITZER PRIZES.
- Catherine Lanigan, author of Romancing the Stone, The Jewel of the Nile, and over forty-five novels and non-fiction
To read the complete praises and accolades, visit the 50 Hours Book Page at Book Unleashed.

Purchase Links

Available now. Grab your copy today.
50 Hours Teaser

An Excerpt from the Book

Take an inside look at 50 Hours with this sizzling excerpt from the book.
DURING THE DRIVE BETWEEN THE COURTHOUSE AND MAMAíS BOY DINER, David Gibbons barely spoke. Even now, seated at their table near the windows, he remained quiet. Except for reciting his breakfast order, he hadnít said a word, but Franco knew it was only a matter of time before he let him have it with both barrels, as his grandpa used to say.
Finally, when the waitress was out of earshot, he stared hard at Franco.
A-a-and there it is, he thought, running shaky hands through his hair. ìOkay. Look. I know I should have called before all hell broke loose, but . . . but I was testing myself.î
David grabbed the sugar dispenser. ìTesting yourself.î He sounded more like a disappointed dad than an AA sponsor.
ìI thought maybe I could get through it on my own this time.î
ìBull.î He let the white granules stream into his cup. ìYou didnít think. If you had, you wouldíve given a thought to what happened last year. And the year before that.î
Franco knew heíd messed up. Again. And that he had nobody to blame but himself. Head pounding, he rubbed his temples as Davidís spoon clanked against the sides of the mug. Had he ever met anyone who made more noise stirring coffee? He didnít think so.
David pointed at Francoís swollen lips and the bloody butterfly bandage a nurse at the jail had taped over his left eyebrow. ìSo, who cleaned your clock?î
ìWell, there was this pool cue, see . . . î
ìReal funny. I notice youíre favoring your right ankle. I suppose the pool cue did that, too.î
ìNo. That was the work of the biker, attached to the pool cue.î Franco chuckled, then gripped his aching ribcage.
ìBusted ribs too, huh?î
ìProbably? You mean they didnít take you to the ER?î
ìThey offered. I said no.î
David couldnít call him anything he hadnít already called himself.
ìYouíre gonna have one heckuva scar when you peel that bandage off your forehead. Maybe itíll serve as a reminder, help you really think next time you decide to, ah, test yourself.î
ìYouíre all heart, David. All heart.î He smirked. ìExcept for your mouth, of course. Thatís more like another part of your anatomy.î
David waved away the insult. ìYou know how frustrating it is, watching you get this close to earning your one-year chip,î he said, thumb and forefinger an inch apart, ìand then you go and bungle it by pulling another dumb stunt? Every. Single. Year?î
Franco didnít have a comeback for that one. Heíd screwed up. Royally. At least no one got hurt, other than himself. David knew it, too.
The men sat in stony silence as the waitress delivered their food.
David peeled back the top of a tiny jelly container. ìWhen was the last time you went to a meeting?î he asked, smearing its contents on a wedge of toast.
It had been more than a month, but Franco didnít want to open himself up to another firestorm, so he stuffed his mouth with food and shrugged.
David counted on his fingers: ìPushing your limits. Breaking the rules. Avoiding tough questions.î He salted his eggs. ìYou remind me so much of my kid, itís almost scary.î He used his fork as a pointer. ìAnd that shouldnít come across as a compliment, since heís ten.î
TouchÈ, Franco thought, gulping his OJ. He winced when it stung the cuts inside his mouth.
ìMaybe this community service stuff will finally shake some sense into you.î
Heíd been acting like a fool for so long, it had become a habit. And yet he said, ìMaybe.î
ìHow long did the judge give you to choose your community service project?î
ìTwenty-four hours.î
ìWell, it just so happens I have an idea.î
Franco stopped chewing. ìYeah?î
ìThereís a hospice, a half-mile or so from your traileró which is lucky for you, since you canít driveóand I happen to know theyíre in need of a gardener.î
Before Jillís death, his landscape business had kept the wolf from the door. In the three years since, the only garden tool heíd touched had been the shovel Clayton kept out back for scooping up his dogís poop. It might be nice, working hard again. Working so hard that he fell into bed too exhausted to have nightmares about the wreck that took Jill from him.
ìYou know the old saying, ëIf it seems too good to be trueí?î Franco lifted one shoulder in an indifferent shrug. ìBut youíve got my attention.î
David explained that his sister-in-law had spent her final days at Savannah Falls. ìSo I know for a fact that itís a great place. I can take you over there, make introductions.î
ìI dunno, Dave. A hospice center? You know better than anybody that Iím not exactly a people person. Dealing with sick people?î He winced again.
ìOh, quit your bellyaching. Youíll be outside, mowiní and hoeiní, and the patients will be insideóî
ìódying.î Hungry as he was, Franco shoved his plate aside, because it hurt to chew, and the bacon and buttery eggs burned the cut on his lip. ìI dunno,î he said again.
ìYouíll do fine, if you just do your job and keep your big yap shut. For a change.î
Franco grinned despite himself. Had it been good luck or bad that put him together with a guy who never sugar-coated anything?
David slid his cell phone across the table. ìCall your lawyer, find out how we go about informing the judge that youíve decided to get back into the posie-planting business. Cause last thing you need right now is to violate courthouse protocol.î
Franco slid Carlisleís card from his pocket, and as he dialed, David said, ìWhen youíre through there, Iíll call Mrs. Kane, the director, arrange a meeting between you two. Sheís a good egg, but she doesnít take any guff, so Iíd watch my step if I were you. With any luck, sheíll put you to work tomorrow.î
ìI have a job, yíknow.î At least he hoped he had a job. Clayton might tell him to take a permanent hike once he heard . . . everything.
It only took a minute to run the hospice idea past the young attorney, and less than that to find out that a phone call from Carlisle would get things straight with Judge Malloy.
He returned Davidís phone. ìThe kid said I should get over to Savannah Falls and sign up ASAP. Said the judgeís office wouldnít waste any time checking up on me. And that I need to keep track of my hours, so that when the paperwork comes through . . . î
Phone pressed to his ear, David wasnít listening, because heíd already connected with Savannah Falls. Franco picked up a slice of cold bacon, and took care not to let it graze his sore lips when he bit off a chunk. He slid the plate close again. Hard to tell when heíd have the timeóor the moneyófor another meal, so he did his best to clean his plate, listening as David explained the situation to the takes-no-guff Mrs. Kane.
ìShe can meet with you this afternoon,î he said, dropping the phone into his shirt pocket.
It was all happening too fast. Way too fast for Francoís taste. ìBut . . . but I need to figure out how to get the Jeep out of the impound lot. And get over to the garage, see if Clayton can find something for me to do that doesnít involve a driverís license.î
ìIíll chauffer you around today. But first things first. Iím taking you home so you can clean up your boozy self. You need a shower. A toothbrush. And a change of clothes.î He wrinkled his nose. ìYou lookóand smellólike something my cat puked up.î
ìCat puke, huh?î Franco smirked, even though it hurt to do it. ìPeople can call you a lot of things, Gibbons, but tactful isnít one of them.î
ìTact!î David got to his feet and tossed a twenty onto the table. ìWho has time for tact with you falling off the wagon and going ballistic every couple months?î
Ordinarily, a crack like that would have set Franco off. For some reason, it struck him as weird penance, because he knew he had it coming.


50 Hours Giveaway Graphic
Prizes up for grabs:
$10 Amazon Gift Card
50 Hours (eBook Copy)
50 Hours (Print Copy)
Contest runs from June 30 - July 8, 2017.

About†Loree Lough

Loree Lough
Bestselling author LOREE LOUGH once sang for her supper, performing across the U.S. and Canada. Now and then, she blows the dust from her 6-string to croon a tune or two, but mostly, she writes novels that have earned hundreds of industry and "Readers' Choice" awards, 4- and 5-star reviews, and 7 book-to-movie options. Her 115th book, 50 Hours, is her most personal to date. Recently released, The Man She Knew, book #1 in her ìBy Way of the Lighthouseî series from Harlequin Heartwarming.
Official website:
Connect with Loree Lough†on social media:

Book Tour Schedule

50 Hours Tour Graphic
Follow the book tour from June 30 - July 8, 2017.
Discover more features, excerpts, reviews, interviews, fun facts and other extras on the tour.
To check the latest tour schedule, visit the 50 Hours Book Page at Book Unleashed.

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**NEW RELEASE** ** Hero Undercover: 25 Undercover Romances

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Authors: 25 New York Times, USA Today and international bestselling authors

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Preorder: June 6, 2017

Release date: June 27, 2017



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When Beauty Met the Beast by Khardine Gray PLUS Giveaway!

WhenBeautyMetTheBeast_BlitzBanner Title: When Beauty Met the Beast Series: Vandervilles, Book 1 Author: Khardine Gray Publisher: Khardine Gray Cover Artist: Erin Dameron-Hill Release Date: June 10, 2017 Genre(s): Contemporary, Suspense Words: 60,000 View on Goodreads

About the Book


 Betrayal, obsession, revenge. Can love conquer all? Deep beneath the veneer of luxury, beauty, and wealth, lie secrets that could be used to destroy the Vanderville family. Secrets that a cold, calculating, and vengeful person has been collecting, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to exact a cruel and painful revenge… Rejections turn to romance? An obsession brews into a whirlwind romance that threatens to be torn apart by a bad boy’s bad habits. Will a love so passionate yet unstable be able to withstand the turmoil that’s sure to blossom from a plot for revenge? Double betrayal, despair… Waiting for a wedding proposal, Taylor is instead handed betrayal. Her cheating father betrays his wife and shatters his daughter’s heart at the same moment she discovers the man she loves has been lying to her. Careers hang in the balance… What do the Vanderville Matriarch’s powerful position in the fashion industry, a greedy States attorney, and a budding creative director all have in common? Careers compromised by the cold hunger of a vengeful person. Surrender yourself to the gripping story surrounding the Vanderville Family and their friends. Discover for yourself if love, both romantic and familial, can survive the frigid reality of betrayal and revenge.


Was someone watching Ben, and sending him threatening messages? Honestly, it didn't surprise her. Only God knew how many enemies the man must have had. With her heart pounding and hands shaking she started opening the smaller envelopes. The first one gripped her, it had a drawing of Ben in his office at work. Sitting on his desk in a very seductive manner was an image of his busty secretary blowing kisses at him. The next letter, however, brought home the seriousness of the situation to her as she read it. It was written in dark red ink and stated: You shouldn't have so much sugar in your coffee, and your wife should wear the new lipstick she bought last week. It will match that dress she's wearing perfectly. Taylor should take better care of her cat, and Wade needs better lighting in his room. It would be a shame for him to leave again when he's only just returned. It was only after she read that that realization truly dawned on her and tore at her insides. Regina gasped. This person wasn't just watching Ben. It was all of them. They were watching all of them, and this note was recent. As in a few days ago recent. Wade had only been home since Monday, and she bought that lipstick last week. Cold terror gripped her in its icy embrace, and she could do nothing but stand there and stare at the note, paralyzed with fright. Someone was watching them, and watching so closely that they knew how much sugar Ben put in his coffee. God! Were they watching her now? Could they see her? She whirled around and looked at the large casement window behind her. Maybe they could see her in here. Maybe they had cameras set up inside the house. She looked back to the note to read it again, and noticed how the letters on some of the words smudged out. That was when it occurred to her that it wasn't written in red ink. It was…blood!

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About Khardine Gray

Author Bio

KhardineGray Khardine Gray is a contemporary romance author who lives in England with her husband and two kids. She is well travelled, cultured, and a woman with a passion for dancing and ice skating. When not writing you can catch her shopping, indulging on pizza and hot chocolate, or hanging out with her family and friends. No need to spend money on an airline ticket. Simply pick up one of Khardine's books to become immersed in the fascinating stories and characters she creates.

Connect with Khardine

Website | Facebook | Twitter


Khardine Gray is giving away an e-copy of When Beauty Met the Beast. Enter via the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win. The giveaway closes at midnight EST on July 7, 2017, and is open to entrants worldwide. Good luck!

Tour Stops

June 26 Paranormal Palace of Pleasures
The Bookery Review
CelticLady's Reviews
Abibliophobia Anonymous
Punya Reviews... June 27 Book Lovers 4Ever
Ariella's Bookshelf
Pam of Babylon
Dandelions Inspired
Books, Dreams, Life June 28 My Fiction Nook
Happy Ever After
All Things Bookaholic
Up 'Til Dawn
The Opinionated Woman's Musings June 29 The Bookworm Lodge
Outrageous Heroes of Romance
Drops of Ink
Voluptuous Book Diva
A Naughty Book Fling
Ramblings of a Book Nerd June 30 Sassy Book Lovers
EskieMama Reads
Amy’s Bookish Life
Shh, I Am Reading
Always Love Me Some Books
Tour Hosted by LoveBound Promotions

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cover Reveal- Honest Intentions by Kennedy Layne

We are so excited to reveal another awesome cover from Kennedy Layne's Safeguard Series! CASUAL IMPRESSIONS releases July 18th and we can't wait. Check out the awesome cover and find out more about CASUAL IMPRESSIONS below!


USA Today Bestselling Author Kennedy Layne continues the Safeguard Series with this fast-paced romantic suspense novel that leads the SSI team on the trail of a serial killer who continually seems to be one step ahead…
Coen Flynn has always done the right thing, even it meant siding against his own family. His sense of justice was what led him to take a job in law enforcement, though his choice of agency was a bit unorthodox. His current assignment was believed to be a simple protection detail. He was never supposed to be identified by his charge, but a murder took priority and changed the course of his mission.
Brettany Lambert’s life is suddenly rocked when she finds the body of a dead friend on the eve of what was supposed to be a special wedding. Now Brettany and Coen are trapped in the middle of a blizzard and their attraction will fuel the heat of temptation. Good intentions always have a way of backfiring, but his desired intent won’t matter if a notorious serial killer can finish what he started.
Add HONEST INTENTIONS to your Goodreads list here!
HONEST INTENTIONS releases September 19th, 2017 - preorder your copy now!

About Kennedy Layne

Kennedy Layne is a USA Today bestselling author. She draws inspiration for her military romantic suspense novels in part from her not-so-secret second life as a wife of a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He doubles as her critique partner, beta reader, and military consultant. They live in the Midwest with their teenage son and menagerie of pets. The loyal dogs and mischievous cats appreciate her writing days as much as she does, usually curled up in front of the fireplace. She loves hearing from readers--find out how to connect with her at

Blog Tour - Shattered Minds by Laura Lam


She can uncover the truth, if she defeats her demons

Ex-neuroscientist Carina struggles with a drug problem, her conscience, and urges to kill. She satisfies her cravings in dreams, fuelled by the addictive drug ‘Zeal’. Now she’s heading for self-destruction – until she has a vision of a dead girl.

Sudice Inc. damaged Carina when she worked on their sinister brain-mapping project, causing her violent compulsions. And this girl was a similar experiment. When Carina realizes the vision was planted by her old colleague Mark, desperate for help to expose the company, she knows he’s probably dead. Her only hope is to unmask her nemesis – or she’s next.

To unlock the secrets Mark hid in her mind, she’ll need a group of specialist hackers. Dax is one of them, a doctor who can help Carina fight her addictions. If she holds on to her humanity, they might even have a future together. But first she must destroy her adversary – before it changes us and our society, forever.



“Riveting.” ―F. Paul Wilson, New York Times bestselling author

“A multilayered, suspenseful thriller, False Hearts explores themes of identity and power in a breakneck plot that keeps the pages turning.” ―Ilana C. Myer, author of Last Song Before Night

“An ingenious premise, and Laura Lam executes it flawlessly. Gritty and wise, your own pulse will be racing as you get caught up in this exciting tale.” ―Robert J. Sawyer, Hugo Award-winning author of Red Planet Blues

“A taut futuristic thriller, set in a San Francisco where everybody is beautiful... and nobody is exceptional. Two unusual sisters are caught in a war for control of a society that quietly suffocates its outsiders, rebels, and the damaged. Taema and Tila are all three, and their strange past and unique bond make False Hearts a difficult book to put down.” ―A. M. Dellamonica, author of Child of a Hidden Sea

“A smart debut from someone who's clearly got what it takes.” ―Peter F. Hamilton, author of the Commonwealth Saga

Cover Reveal- Mick & Michelle by Nina Rossing

Mick & Michelle
Nina Rossing
Published by: Harmony Ink Press
Publication date: October 31st 2017
Genres: Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult
Fifteen-year-old Mick Mullins has a great life: his parents are sweet, his sister is tolerable, and his friendships are solid. But as summer descends on Queens, he prepares to turn his carefree existence upside down by disclosing a secret he has kept long enough. It’s time to work up the courage to reveal that he is not a boy, but a girl—and that her name is Michelle. Having always been the perfect, good boy, Michelle is terrified that the complicated truth will disappoint, hurt, or push away the people closest to her. She can’t continue hiding for much longer, though, because her body is turning into that of a man’s, and she is desperate to stop the development—desperate enough to consider self-medicating with hormones.
Most of all, Michelle fears that Grandpa, who is in a nursing home after a near fatal stroke, won’t survive the shock if he finds out that his favorite grandchild, and the only boy, is a girl. If she kills her beloved Grandpa by leaving Mick behind, she isn’t sure embracing her real identity will be worth the loss.

Author Bio:
Nina Rossing lives in Norway, where the winters are long and the summers short. Despite the brilliant nature surrounding her, she spends more time in front of her computer, or with a book in her hands, than in the great outdoors (though you may find her out on her mountain bike if the weather is good). She works as a high school teacher, which in her opinion is probably the best job in the world.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Excerpt Reveal- Train Wreck by T. Gephart


“No passion, no emotion, no originality—a train wreck of epic portions.”

Those were the words to describe Eve Thorton’s exhibition. Not even a fine arts degree from Yale or her daddy’s bank account could save her from the scathing reviews. And failure was a word Eve would never be comfortable with. Not even close.

Plotting the demise of every critic who’d written her off was her first instinct. But that would come later. Instead, she would show them that she wasn’t a bored socialite with more money than talent.

She would prove everyone wrong, and she wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. But when her journey for redemption crashed headfirst into Josh Logan, the sexy, talented tattooist from Queens, getting her hands dirty took on a whole new meaning.

Josh was everything Eve wasn’t, translating on skin what she couldn’t onto her canvas. All she had to do was convince him to share his jaw-dropping brilliance, and help her—seeing him naked—a bonus. Then she could go back to her regular life, vindicated.

It should have been easy. Pity her plans had a habit of derailing.

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Kitty had said Josh Logan was gorgeous.

Her description was tall, athletic and covered in exquisite wearable art.

With jet-black hair that was cropped short except for the top which he wore longer and combed back. Sort of like Elvis, but a thousand times hotter, and without the retro clothes.

So, I had been mentally prepared for a decent looking guy. But I had just shipped off all of Oliver’s stuff and scruffy guys with tattoos weren’t really my thing. Besides, I was here for a purpose, and that was not to get a date. I was a professional and this was New York, and gorgeous men were everywhere. It’s not like I was a bag of hormones incapable of using her head.

Yet all it took was a single freaking smile.

How it was even possible was beyond me, but Kitty severely understated.
Josh Logan was well over six-foot and built like a South American soccer player. You know the kind—hot, toned, and looked fabulous in their underwear on the side of a building. Sadly, Josh was wearing clothes—a fantastic pair of jeans and a black fitted T-shirt that hugged his arms and chest so lovingly it needed a standing ovation.

And those eyes? Wowzas. Perfect cerulean blue.

Tattoo Jesus was freaking HOT.

And another thing, his tattoos were insane. Each perfectly toned arm was covered in intricate designs that went all the way up into his sleeves where they were tragically hidden by his T-shirt. Then the color reappeared, snaking up his neckline. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to lick his skin or hang it on a wall. Oh, that sounded bad. Yeah. Hanging it on the wall sounded creepy. Licking. Licking was better.

I had been a locked vault. Kept it together and pretended he wasn’t the hottest man I’d seen. I’d even managed to carry on a conversation, completely hiding the fact my panties had disintegrated the minute he’d walked into the room. That, my friends, was where the real talent was.

About T. Gephart

T Gephart is an indie author from Melbourne, Australia.
T’s approach to life has been somewhat unconventional. Rather than going to University, she jumped on a plane to Los Angeles, USA in search of adventure. While this first trip left her somewhat underwhelmed and largely depleted of funds it fueled her appetite for travel and life experience.
With a rather eclectic resume, which reads more like the fiction she writes than an actual employment history, T struggled to find her niche in the world.
While on a subsequent trip the United States in 1999, T met and married her husband. Their whirlwind courtship and interesting impromptu convenience store wedding set the tone for their life together, which is anything but ordinary. They have lived in Louisiana, Guam and Australia and have travelled extensively throughout the US. T has two beautiful young children and one four legged child, Woodley the wonder dog.
An avid reader, T became increasingly frustrated by the lack of strong female characters in the books she was reading. She wanted to read about a woman she could identify with, someone strong, independent and confident who didn’t lack femininity. Out of this need, she decided to pen her first book, A Twist of Fate. She enjoyed the process so much that when it was over she couldn’t let it go.
T loves to travel, laugh and surround herself with colourful characters. This inevitably spills into her writing and makes for an interesting journey – she is well and truly enjoying the ride!
Based on her life experiences, T has plenty of material for her books and has a wealth of ideas to keep you all enthralled.

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Cover Reveal- The Darkest Sunrise by Aly Martinez

Today we are sharing the incredible covers for The Darkest Sunrise Duet by Aly Martinez. Check them out below, along with the blurbs for each title. The first book in this contemporary romance duet will be released on July 13th! Be sure to follow Aly's newsletter to be notified when the books are up for pre-order.


The Darkest Sunrise (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #1)

Coming July 13


Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me. Whoever coined that phrase is a bald-faced liar. Words are often the sharpest weapon of all, triggering some of the most powerful emotions a human can experience. “You’re pregnant.” “It’s a boy.” “Your son needs a heart transplant.” Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me. Lies. Syllables and letters may not be tangible, but they can still destroy your entire life faster than a bullet from a gun. Two words—that was all it took to extinguish the sun from my sky. “He’s gone.” For ten years, the darkness consumed me. In the end, it was four deep, gravelly words that gave me hope of another sunrise. “Hi. I’m Porter Reese.”

The Brightest Sunset (The Darkest Sunrise Duet, #2)

Coming July 27th


Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me. Bullshit. Words destroyed me. “I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.” “Daddy, he can’t breathe!” “There’s nothing more we can do for your son.” Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me. Lies. Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me. Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness. “He’s gone.” In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise. “Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”



You won't want to miss this amazing series! Click here to get the pre-order links as soon as they're live, and to hear about giveaways and events for this duet.



Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children. Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, mystery leggings, and baked feta. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person. She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.    
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Stalled Independence by Sarah Cass


Book: Stalled Independence
Series: Holidays in Lake Point #3
Author: Sarah Cass
Publisher: Divine Roses Ink

*All books are in Series are Stand Alone reads*

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Regan Croft is running as far away as she can get from her past when her car dies outside of Lake Point. While she’d said she’d stop wherever her car died and start a new life, she isn’t so prepared when it finally happens. Starting over isn’t so easy, especially with a sexy cowboy trying to learn all he can about her.

Clay Ryley doesn’t know what to think of the beautiful young woman he rescues from the side of the road, all he knows is she makes him interested in dating again after a painful break up years ago. Unfortunately, every bit of his effort to get close to her is thwarted by her fear of her own past. He wants to help her, and love her, but she makes it difficult for him.

When Regan’s past comes back to haunt her, she could lose everything. With the cards on the table, Clay has to figure out if he’s willing to listen, or walk away. If he makes the wrong choice, Regan will lose not only her new found independence, she’ll lose her last hope for love. 

***All books in Holidays at Lake Point are standalone reads.

What Others Are Saying About Stars, Stripes & Motorbikes

This series is pretty good. Each book I have read is a stand alone story But brings back characters from other stories. Plenty of explicit sex scenes, so be warned. Still I have enjoyed several of these by this author and would buy them again. They are quick easy reads. ~ oldmodelT

This novel is nice!!! I'm very much impressed on the way it was written. Finished this in just a week. and it filled my heart with joy!!! ~ Ken

Did not expect that major twist on it's story line. The most romantic and sweet book I have read so far. ~ Johnny Jackson

***Reviews can be found on

Holidays in Lake Point Series

Santa, Maybe

Deep-Fried Sweethearts

Stalled Independence

Witch Way 

A Thorough Thanksgiving

Eve's New Year 

Heartstrings & Hockey Pucks 

Luck of the Cowgirl 

Stars, Stripes & Motorbikes

Free Falling

Love For Hire

Haunted Hearts

About Sarah Cass

Sarah Cass' world is regularly turned upside down by her three special needs kids and loving mate, so she breaks genre barriers; dabbling in horror, straight fiction and urban fantasy.  She loves historicals and romance, and characters who are real and flawed, so she writes to understand what makes her fictional people tick.  And she lives for a happy ending - eventually. And enough twists to make it look like she enjoys her title of Queen of Trauma Drama a little too much.

An ADD tendency leaves her with a variety of interests that include singing, dancing, crafting, cooking, and being a photographer. She fights through the struggles of the day, knowing the battles are her crucible; she may emerge scarred, but always stronger.  The rhythms to her activities drive her words forward, pushing her through the labyrinths of the heart and the nightmares of the mind, driving her to find resolutions to her character's problems.

While busy creating worlds and characters as real to her as her own family, she leads an active online life with her blog, Redefining Perfect, which gives a real and sometimes raw glimpse into her life and art.  You can most often find her popping out her 140 characters in Twitter speak, and on Facebook.

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