Hey Book Lovers,
We have another treat for you today. As part of the Romancing Your Dark Side tour I've had the honor to interview author BK Walker. So sit back and enjoy!
What or who inspired you to become a writer?
I think the writer has always been inside of me. Even as a child I would write or fabricate stories and tell them to my stuffed animals. (sometimes they would answer back too lol). One day my muse had enough and forced me to write a book. She can be pretty demanding at times :).
Who is your favourite Author & what is it that really strikes you about their work?
My all time fav is Nora Roberts, especially as JD Robb. I love her humor and drive in her stories. She is always an inspiration.
What was the hardest part about writing your book?
Trying to go against my muse. There are times when I think a story should go one way, but Mouthy Mary, as I like to call her, argues to the point that I eventually give in. When I give in, I do notice that the story flows more smoothly. I just like to keep her on her toes at times.
What was the most surprising things your learned in writing your book?
That I could actually write a book that people like to read! I always think in the back of my mind that I'm the only one that would like to hear my story. I'm always nervous putting my books in the hands of reviewers, but always remind myself that you just can't please everyone.
Do you ever experience writers block?
YES! Although, I'm not so sure it's actual writer's block as much as it's me trying to get my own way with the story. Like I said above, I tend to argue with my muse/characters a lot before the story will flow as it should.
What is the last book you read?
I just finished Hunting Human by Amanda E. Alvarez. Amazing!
If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living or dead, real or fictional. with whom would it be?
Janis Joplin hands down. She is my favorite musical artist, and even for just one day, I would love to sing her music. She was so talented. I know a lot of people don't like her, but she moves me.
What do you like to do when your not writing?
Haha...I have to laugh, because even when I'm not writing, I'm still doing something with writing. I organize virtual book tours through The Virtual Book Tour Cafe', I do book reviews, and am always answering emails. I like it though, it keeps me busy. In all seriousness though, when I'm taking a “break”, I'm usually at a baseball game with my boys. They are avid ball players and my youngest just made District All Stars this year. We were so proud of him, but thankfully, (sssshh, I didn't say that), ball is over because I'm tired of running all over the state lol.
Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
Night Secrets is completely fictional. Keara has a small part of me, but nothing really strong. My book Death Upon Me is based on true events, but I'll never tell what is true and what is not (to protect the innocent of course, mainly me haha).
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher. I was always playing school, again with my stuffed animals (I didn't play with dolls much). As I grew older though, my love for animals grew too and I wanted to become a Vet. I settled for caring for people instead of animals though, and became a nurse. Sometimes I think animals would be easier, but I enjoy it for the most part.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Ashley Judd. She's so gorgeous and kick ass when she needs to be.
What project are you working on now?
I'm hoping to release my next book, Broken Captive next month. This title is about a girl that is broken down by abuse, and held captive by her self mutilation. When she finally finds someone to love her, he is ripped from her life tragically. I'm also working on another paranormal romance titled Serpent Seekers, and my muse struck me with another one, High Heels & Handcuffs. A Cowboy romantic drama.
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers?
Dream a Dream and Reach for the Skies! Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you can't write if you feel it passionately. Write for you and nobody else, and put it out there.
Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers and fans?
Thank you for supporting Indie Authors. If it wasn't for you guys, we would have no reason to write.
Light or Dark chocolate?
Tea or Coffee?
Dogs or Cats?
Favourite Colour?
George Clooney or Hugh Jackman?
George Clooney (oooh la la)
Favourite Disney movie?
Pocahontas. I'm a sucker for anything Native American.
Thank you so much for answering some of my questions and joining us on the blog.
BK Walker currently lives in Central Pennsylvania with her three children, Brittney, Hunter and Danny, her dogs Rancid, Sadie and Haven, a cat named Whiskers and a goldfish named Fat Albert. She has always had a love for reading and writing, even as a child she created stories reading them to her stuffed animals. With a love for vampires and werewolves, you will not be disappointed with her writing as she mixes up the paranormal juice. Aside from writing, BK also supports Indie Authors organizing virtual book tours, helping them to market and promote their work. Her book review site, BWB Reviews, is just another small way she contributes to the reading world. With many stories floating around in her head, she writes when she gets the time between working as a Pediatric Home Care Nurse, being a single mother, and continuing her college education in Graphic Art Design.
When she's not arguing with her muse, you will often find her at a baseball game with her boys or drinking iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts enjoying a good book.
Night Secrets Blurb:
Keara Crosby had the perfect life. Her family was not hurting for anything. When her parents are suddenly killed, Keara must learn to live without them. After mourning their death for two months, Keara starts to live again. She follows her favorite band, hangs with her best friend Jared, and falls for the new kid on the block.
When her favorite band is playing at Night Secrets, a new club downtown, she takes her first outing since her parents death and finds this mysterious boy watching her. Mesmerized by his lapus blue eyes, she can't help but feel drawn to him. Her body responds to him in ways she never thought possible, and she needs to figure out why. What is it about Channing that has her yearning for his touch?
Not only is Keara drawn to Channing, but the owner of Night Secrets seems to be drawn to her. Giving her special treatment, she can't help but wonder what he's hiding, and the sense she's seen him before. When she's attacked in the parking lot, her world turns inside out, literally. Keara will soon learn that secrets of the night, just may be the death of her.
Channing had his arm around me as we walked out to
his Hummer. “I wonder where Corbin was tonight. I was
surprised we didn’t see him.”
“I was a bit surprised too. I figured ol’ fangs would
have been there to see his ‘Sweet Keara’”. He smirked.
“Very funny.” I was actually surprised that this was the
first we had spoke of Corbin or mystical creatures all
night. He opened my door again and I was halfway into
my seat and gasped. “I forgot my jacket.”
“Oh. Okay, I will run back and get it. Be right back.”
I nodded and closed my door. He was really sweet. I
loved the smell of him, how his eyes glow even brighter
when he looks at me. He was handsome too. How did I
get so lucky?
Just then my door opened. “Wow that was….” I
couldn’t even finish my sentence before being ripped out
of my seat. Dante’ gripped my wrist so tight I thought it
might break. “Let go of me!”
As he started dragging me by my wrist across the
parking lot I felt my muscles tighten. I knew soon it would
be followed by the pain.
“Your precious Corbin isn’t here tonight to save you,
Sweet Keara.” Dante’ mocked Corbin in a daunting tone.
The pain was creeping in. Don’t fight it Keara. Just
don’t fight it. My bones felt like they were going to burst
from the inside out. I could feel them literally wanting to
break. My muscles started cramping and it doubled me
It was enough to have Dante’ stop and look back at
me. “You cannot fake sickness Keara. I don’t fall for
human tricks that easily.”
The pain worsened, and I could feel the muscles in my
calves and thighs tighten like a wrung towel. I fell to my
knees. I heard the first bone crack as it tried to reshape
itself. My fingers stretched outward and I cried out in
“What is happening to you Keara?” Dante’ let go of my
wrist when he felt the bones move under his grip.
The muscles tightened in my back and neck, bowing
my back and forcing my head towards my chest. “Oh my
God!” I cried out. The pain was horrible.
The skin tore as the bones reshaped themselves.
Yellow and white goo started pouring from the openings
where the skin ripped. My vision started changing, again
like I was looking through etched glass. I heard more
bones breaking. It hurt so bad, too bad to cry even. I
clenched my teeth, trying to breathe through it. Just
don’t fight it. You’re fighting it! I knew I was fighting it. It
was so sudden I couldn’t even think.
More warm liquid flowed from my body. I could feel my
hair starting to stick to my face. The next thing I knew, I
could see clearly. I was looking down at the ground, and
I saw Dante’ staring up at me. I looked around and
realized I was in the air above, gliding on feathered
wings. I looked at my body, my wings, shiny and black
as night. A raven. I was a raven.

BK Walker currently lives in Central Pennsylvania with her three children, Brittney, Hunter and Danny, her dogs Rancid, Sadie and Haven, a cat named Whiskers and a goldfish named Fat Albert. She has always had a love for reading and writing, even as a child she created stories reading them to her stuffed animals. With a love for vampires and werewolves, you will not be disappointed with her writing as she mixes up the paranormal juice. Aside from writing, BK also supports Indie Authors organizing virtual book tours, helping them to market and promote their work. Her book review site, BWB Reviews, is just another small way she contributes to the reading world. With many stories floating around in her head, she writes when she gets the time between working as a Pediatric Home Care Nurse, being a single mother, and continuing her college education in Graphic Art Design.
When she's not arguing with her muse, you will often find her at a baseball game with her boys or drinking iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts enjoying a good book.
Websites to check out:
Author Blog - http://authorbkwalker.blogspot.com
Paranormal Blog - www.immortylcafe.com
Virtual Book Tour Cafe' Blog - www.vbtcafe.com
Magazine - http://writinginnovations.blogspot.com
Review Site – www.bkwalkerbooks.com
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1831525609
Twitter – www.twitter.com/bk36
Night Secrets available at Amazon.com and Smashwords.com
2 lucky commenters will win their selves an e-copy of Night Secrets, so to be in the draw leave a comment with your email. We'll announce the lucky winners 22nd August.
Good Luck to you all.
BK, it's nice to learn more about you. Boy, you hooked me when she turned into a raven. Oh my!
ReplyDeleteI love these author interviews! I learn something new each one. Seriously though...My Author list is grooooowing! Thanks for everything
Thank you so much for having me today. Sandy Kearas raven was a lot of fun to write. Thanks for stopping in both of you. Dawn I'm learning just as much as you it is fun
Thanks so much for the giveaway. It seems like such a great book.
Loved getting learn more about you BK.